Above rates are based on advance booking and not immediate pickup at the airport. All immediate pickups may be subject to higher rates. Please note online rates may be different from rates given by our Client Service Associates.
READ BELOW FIRST - EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: What to expect after you click your quote to make it a reservation request:
1) Shortly after submitting your reservation request you will be emailed a summary of your booking by us.
2) You will also be sent an email either titled "Final Reservation Steps & Invoice*Response needed*", OR one titled "Invoice".
3) If you receive an email titled "Final Reservation Steps & Invoice*Response needed*" you must answer the 4 questions & remit payment immediately.
4) If you receive an email titled "Invoice" simply pay the invoice immediately.
Quoting Definitions:
Round-Trip -
This means your trip begins by you being picked up from the airport by us and later returned to the airport by us.
Round-Trip- (Starts With Arpt Drop-off) -
This means your trip begins by you being dropped-off at the airport by us then picked up from the airport by us upon your return.
Non-Airport Transfer-
This means you are wanting to be taken 65, 100, 200 miles or more to a non-airport location.